Digital Economist Entrepreneur In Training (EIT) 計劃代表了我們對全球影響的方法:參與、創新、轉型。 這 程序 對於正在尋求建立數字優先業務的實踐培訓的早期專業人士、應屆畢業生和學生來說,這是一個令人興奮和充滿活力的機會。以社會創業為重點,利用尖端技術和經濟培訓,為期 12-24 週的計劃 提供無與倫比的機會,與金融技術、新興技術(如區塊鏈、人工智能/機器學習、預測分析、物聯網、增強現實/虛擬現實)和技術投資領域的全球領導者合作。
Maria Kiejnich is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, and a Founder of UGO.Earth. Kiejnich is a UCLA Economics and Environmental Systems Graduate, passionate about social innovation, sustainable development and impact storytelling. She completed the EIT program within the top three finalists.
Chidi Nwaogu was an entrepreneur journey at 16 when he founded 9ja Boi Interactive, a video game company focused on teaching youth about climate change. Currently Nwaogu is the Co-founder and CEO of Publiseer, a digital platform helping independent and underserved African artists earn above minimum wage.
Aanandita Gahlot completes her undergraduate degree from Delhi Technological University in Economics while also engaging with Dristi, a company focused on directing rural India towards social and technological integration.
United States
Kishan Gajjar currently works at Akamai Technologies on their blockchain team as a backend engineer. Gajjar loves challenges which call for high throughput and low latencies and which is why he chose this career path, to love what he does everyday. In his free time, he enjoys playing FIFA 20, a soccer focused video game, on his PS4.
United States
Ranjani Sridharan is an investment professional with over 15 years of executive finance and impact investing experience. She is Founder of Kshetra PBC, an early-stage FinTech marketplace and fund for investors seeking to lend working capital to social enterprises who are working on the UN SDGs.
An alumnus from MIT Sloan’s partnership program Asia School of Business, Varun Singhi is an experienced Database Strategy & Business Transformation Professional with 11+ years of expertise across US and APAC regions. Singhi has done various strategy consulting projects for clients in South East Asian countries.
Rong Feng (Coco) is currently a senior consultant at Deloitte, Canada. As a mission driven individual, Feng is passionate about the healthcare and AI world and seeks to personally impact these areas throughout her career.
Joel Christoph is currently an AI Analyst at Tekal Previous experience includes the University of Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute, a Young Ambassador at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, and Digital Civilization Fellow at the Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute. Christoph is a dual degree master’s candidate at John Hopkins SAIS and Tsinghua University.
Abiodun Akanbi is an Economist, Research Data Analyst, Sustainable Development Practitioner, and Social/Tech Entrepreneur. In addition to his work and leadership experience, Abiodun is a fellow of the African Presidential Leadership Program, Egypt and an alumnus of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI).